Adult Formation at St. Thomas
At St. Thomas, adult formation is an excellent chance to gather together and discuss important topics in our life of faith and our community. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, there is a way for you to grow your faith at St. Thomas.
Formation at Wonderful Wednesdays takes place on select Wednesdays throughout the the year, and is preceded by Taizé prayer and dinner.
Sunday Formation takes place at either 9am or 11:30 on Sunday mornings, and is led by the clergy, members of St. Thomas, we well as guest speakers from across the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. Check out our many upcoming Sunday formation opportunities below!
Additionally, we gather as a community for weekend or all-parish Saturday retreats that give us the opportunity to delve more deeply into matters of faith and spirituality.
Winter 2025 Formation
During the season of Epiphany, humanity received the revelation of Jesus Christ through creation, as the wise men followed a star. Could AI be a source that reveals to us something about what it means to be human, even God? What are the blessings and limits to creation’s creation?
Join us for a three-week series on AI and Faith as we consider these questions and the ones you bring with you! To explore AI and Faith, our first session will consider a few theological frameworks when considering topics in Science and Technology. Our second session will take a closer look at Artificial Intelligence and how the industry is ethically thinking about AI. Our last session will focus on how the academy (ethics/theology) is thinking through AI, and its ability to support or hinder creation’s flourishing.