How Do I set Up A Recurring Gift?
Would you like to set up an annual pledge or recurring gift to St. Thomas Church? The following steps are designed to guide you through the process. If you do not yet have a St. Thomas Connect account, you may contact the parish office.
Step 1: Log in to St. Thomas Connect:
Click the “Join St. Thomas Connect” button, then enter your username and password to login to St. Thomas Connect.

Step 2: Click the “My Giving” tab on the left-hand menu and fill out your gift details:
Select the “Repeating gift” option for a regular periodic gift.
Select “2024 Pledges” in the “Gift Amount” section to specify that it should be directed to your 2024 pledge.
The “Schedule Details” section allows for many different options, like monthly on a certain day of the month, or the 1st and 15th of each month.
Click the “Continue” button to proceed.

Step 3: Select the Payment Type (Checking Account or Debit/Credit Card) and fill in the checking account or card information. Check the Authorization box at the bottom of the page and click “Continue.”

Step 4: Click the “Confirm Gift Info” popup box to finalize the gift. Thank you!